To "DOMINOTE" means to dominate with a slightly ironic connotation: "Jeah!! Did the Thunder just DOMINOTE the Kings??" or "My chihuahua will DOMINOTE this dog show, son!!" A second, less common meaning is a non-ironic domination in the game of dominoes: "I will DOMINOTE David tomorrow."
Contrary to what Standard-English snobs will say, "DOMINOTE" is not merely a bastardization of the word "dominate." It has its own subtly different meaning separate from "dominate," much like the word "conversate" is an evolved version of "converse."
I expect "DOMINOTE" to be especially well-received among users of the interwebs who will appreciate the allusion to "pwned."
"DOMINOTE" must always be written (and spoken) in all caps. Conjugation follows the regular pattern of "dominate": DOMINOTE, DOMINOTES, DOMINOTING, DOMINOTED.
Where you at? Get up on it!
Um, I definitely thought it meant to dominate at dominoes. Dang.
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